Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Square in a Triangle

Problem 1: 071206

Square In A Triangle

1. The figure shows a square inscribe in a triangle, right angled at B. If AP = 8 cm, SC = 12 cm, find, in cm2, the area of the square.

2. If AP = x, SC = y, find, in terms of x and y, the area of the square.

3. Construct a triangle ABC right angled at B. Show how to inscribe a square PQRS As shown above.


Lim Chia Wei said...

This is a question that 99 out of 100 university students may answer wrongly: One day, a man went to Mr Wong's shop to buy a gift. The cost(成本)of the gift was RM 18 while its selling price was RM 21. This man paid Mr Wong a RM 100 note but Mr Wong didn't have small change so he changed the RM 100 note into small change with the shopkeeper of the shop next to him and gave a change of RM 79 to the man. Later, the shopkeeper of the shop next to him discovered that the RM 100 note is a fake(伪造) one. So, Mr Wong was forced to replace the RM 100 note with another one.
What is the loss of Mr Wong in this sale?

Lim Chia Wei said...





Lim Chia Wei said...

Dear teacher,

Where should I submit my solutions?

YONG said...

64 + x² +144 + x² = 400
x² = 192 / 2 = 96
x = 9.798 cm
Area of square = x²
= 9.798 x 9.798 = 96 cm²

a = side of square , a² = area

a²+ x² + a²+ y² = (x+y) ²
2a² + x² + y² = ( x+y) ²
2a² + ( x+y) ² - 2xy = ( x+y) ²
2a² = 2xy
a² = xy
Area = xy

loo said...

angle QBR,RSC & QPA right angle
angle SRC = angle BQR = angle QAP
angle BRQ = angle RCS = angle AQP
therefore triangle QAP,BQR & RSC similar
we get RS : SC

RS : 12
8 : QP

RS*QP = 12*8
RS sq = 96
Area of PQRS = RS sq = 96 cm sq

loo said...

angle QBR,RSC & QPA right angle
angle SRC = angle BQR = angle QAP
angle BRQ = angle RCS = angle AQP
therefore triangle QAP,BQR & RSC similar
we get RS : y
x : QP

RS: y
x :RS
Therefore,Area of PQRS is xy