Wednesday, December 19, 2007

From Rectangle To Triangle

1. A rectangle ABCD is cut into two pieces along the dotted line as shown above. The two pieces are then rearranged to form a right-angled triangle. Find

(a) the area, (b) the perimeter of the triangle.


Another rectangle with dimensions x cm and y cm is cut into two pieces along the dotted line as shown. If the perimeter of the right-angled triangle formed is 70 cm, and x and y are whole numbers, find the values of x and y .

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Square in a Triangle

Problem 1: 071206

Square In A Triangle

1. The figure shows a square inscribe in a triangle, right angled at B. If AP = 8 cm, SC = 12 cm, find, in cm2, the area of the square.

2. If AP = x, SC = y, find, in terms of x and y, the area of the square.

3. Construct a triangle ABC right angled at B. Show how to inscribe a square PQRS As shown above.

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